About BIF

Belarusian Innovative Foundation (BIF) was established by a resolution of the Council of Ministers on November 12, 1998 to strengthen state support for innovation and increase the efficiency of using the scientific and technical potential of the Republic of Belarus.

– is a state non-profit organization;
– carries out its activities on the principles of long-term and repayable financing of innovative developments, venture projects;
– has the ability to create branches and representative offices in Belarus and abroad;
– can take part in the creation and activities of economic entities.

Belarusian Innovative Foundation carries out:

  • Financial support for innovative projects on a repayable basis;
  • Funding for the organization and development of the production of high-tech products;
  • Financing of venture projects;
  • Support for small and medium-sized businesses by providing vouchers and grants;
  • Assistance in the creation and development of industries based on new technologies in the country, stimulation of foreign economic activity;
  •  Attraction of foreign investment, assistance in organizing joint ventures for the development of high-tech products;
  • Supporting the development of scientific and innovative entrepreneurship and technology market infrastructure in Belarus;
  • Holding exhibitions, fairs of innovative products, seminars, conferences, symposia and other events.

BIF cooperates with legal entities and individuals, international and foreign organizations and foundations operating in the field of innovation development.


Citizens’ appeals

  • Портал Президента РБ
  • Совет Министров
  • Мин-во экономики
  • Мин-во финансов
  • ГКНТ
  • Банк развития
  • Академию наук
  • pravo.by
  • president.gov.by